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Finding Inspiration in Silver

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Finding Inspiration in Silver

finding inspiration silver

I am inspired by what I see at design shows, in magazine articles and what other people are wearing. But there is inspiration everywhere. My latest fangirl moment was when I saw the silk wraps.

It isn’t hard to remember where I first noticed them. I was on a trip with my closest girlfriends in California. We call ourselves the Raquettes, but that is another blog post. We spent the day shopping in Santa Monica (which was glorious) and I saw this tiny bowl of brightly coloured silk strands in a shop. They had silly and meaningless charms you could mix and match on your wrap that cheapened the look, but it was the luxurious, soft colours that inspired me.

Being a designer of silver jewellery, but a lover of design in general, I had to have these for my customers and for myself.

Although I didn’t quite piece it together at the time, these wraps symbolize an idea that must have been in my head, but I hadn’t yet found the right inspiration. Most people celebrate their loved ones on our pieces with others’ names and birthdates. What we hadn’t really helped represent for people was their own sense of self.

I think, as parents and women, we spend so much of our day setting others up for success that we, sometimes, forget to think of ourselves. I wanted a piece that says, “My purpose is…,” and you fill in the blanks. These silks are such an individual style piece and I knew they would become more personal, so I was hooked! OK, maybe I was tied.

I am a believer in setting an intention or purpose for the year. One word that inspires you in your career, parenting and social life. Strength. Connection. Passion. Patience. Evolution. These words conjure up a reason to do what you are meant to do. When I feel myself getting off course, I bring myself back to my own purpose.

I added my intention to my silver charm and felt powerful. Maybe that sounds like a strong word, but it is surprisingly true. There is something magical about the easy way you wear a silk bracelet, the expression of individual personality, mood and the quick check-in the charm represents throughout the day, that makes me feel empowered. It’s an everyday reminder of where I want to be.

When I wear my silk I remember the fun I had with my friends in California. The laughs and recharge I got from the break away combine with my intention for the year and I feel happy. I chose a blue grey tea for my own silk because I feel it is an expression of my personality and it brightens my mood. My word for the year is SOAR. Don’t you just love it?

Now, each time I ship out an individual silk bracelet I am inspired again. I know that our customers are doing something personal for themselves and, although it is not a trip away, it is just as important.

So, where do you find inspiration? Are you inspired by your intention?

I’d love you to share your word with me.

