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A Customer's Touching Story

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A Customer's Touching Story
We received a note recently from a happy customer. We love receiving feedback on how a Citrus Silver product has touched someone’s life. Do you have something to share? This is a beautiful note about how our jewellery made a difference in another person’s healing process. With permission of the kind son who wrote this, and gifted, we would like to post here this remarkable story: "Thanks so much for the super (crazy) fast shipping on the pendant I ordered the other day ("believe love kisses"). I just wanted to share the story with you, so you know where it's going. My father passed away last November from a 3-year fight with cancer. Shortly (very shortly!) afterwards, my Mom was up in the attic clearing some things out, and moved a box - and lying right behind it were three stones laying in a row, each engraved a word: "Believe" "Love" and "Kisses". No one in the family remembers ever owning or having these stones...which is weird LOL. In any case it came at the perfect time and gave my Mom a lot of comfort. She has them sitting on her coffee table, and we even had the words engraved on the back of his head stone. This pendant is something she'll be able to carry with her each day (which is easier and prettier than 3 rocks LOL). That's all, wanted to share. Thank you!" Thanks to all of our customers.

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